Q. What is the function of these burs?
A. These burs are a combination of round and cone shaped coarse diamond which allows access into the pulp chamber and preparation of the chamber walls.
Q. Can these burs be autoclaved ?
A. Yes, these burs indeed come in a packaging that can be autoclaved and the burs can be reused thereafter.
Q. What should I do to prevent instrument fracture ?
A. Avoid jamming or levering actions when rotating, as this increases the risk of instrument breakage. Never exceed the specified maximum speed. Avoid applying forces greater than the recommended values, as this could cause damage to the instrument and the treated area. Always Check for possible damages; dispose of oxydized, blunt and eccentric instruments.
Q. When to dispose these Crown Preparation Burs ?
A. Check for possible damages; dispose of oxydized, blunt and eccentric instruments.
by Darik Stone
in love with these high quality burs