Scheu Finishing Set – 3378

US$199.00US$255.00 (-22%)

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DescriptionEight burs, incl. pulp stone for finishing of all pressure moulding materials, consisting of 4 burs, 3 initial polisher and 1 final polisher.
Set comes with eight grinding wheels for cutting and finishingof soft elastic and hard elastic material. With color coding foreasy identification.

DIMO?PRO: Finishing of large-scale marginal areas and for final andhigh-gloss polishing of splints, positioners, mouth guard and orthodonticappliances. Provides highly-polished rims and uniform surfaces ofhard/soft sandwich material.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cutting bur
Spiral cutting bur for quick, neat cutting of hard pressure mouldingmaterial.HM Carbide cutter
Triangular carbide cutting bur for quick, neat cutting of hard pressuremoulding material.HM Tricutter fine
Fine triangular cutter for interdental finishing of splints.Finishing burSquare cutting bur made of special soft alloy that will not damageclasps and wires.
CA? carbide bur made of fine grit carbide is characterised by highcutting performance, vibration-free concentric running and very longendurance
PackagingScheu Finishing Set – 3378

4 x Burs
3 x Initial polisher
1 x Final polisher
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Scheu Finishing Set - 3378

US$199.00US$255.00 (-22%)

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