LuxaBond-Total Etch is a dual-cure bonding agent for enamel and dentin, suitable for use with dual-cure and self-cure composites, such as LuxaCore Z-Dual. It is necessary to etch enamel and dentin surfaces prior to application. Due to the dual-cure nature of the material, LuxaBond-Total Etch is particularly useful when bond-ing posts in areas where light can’t penetrate.
Pre-bond: Ethanolic aryl sulfonate solution.
Bond A: Hydrophilic Bis-GMA based resin matrix, catalyst.
Bond B: Hydrophilic Bis-GMA based resin matrix, benzoyl peroxide.
Used in conjunction with total etch technique for core build ups and addition of resin cements for posts, crowns, bridges, inlays & onlays
Do not apply the material in cases of allergies to any of the components, in particu-lar benzoyl peroxide, or in the event of contact allergies.
Features :-
- Compatible with all composite resin materials – recommended for all applications with LuxaCore.
- Indicated for bonding of posts, cores, crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays.
- Cures without a light; can be used for all indirect procedures.
- Better adhesion.
- Specifically shaped Endobrushes for an easier application in the root canal.
- Non-acetone, non-alcohol formulation.
by Bennie
Very good product.
by Jarlen
Amazing product.
by Gerrick
Good quality product.
by Nasar
Superb product
by Nabil
Very nice product